There are a few options for increasing the security of your ODBC password:
1. Don't show other people the EZF file, if it contains a password. You could put it in a password-protected area on your computer's hard drive.
2. Don't store the password in the EZF file. Set up the ODBC data source so that it automatically logs in with a user name and password. Then, the name and password are stored in the Windows system, and will be harder to find.
And, for when the direct connection software is finished:
3. You always want to be careful when connecting a web server to your company's database. In case of a direct ODBC connection, you should create a new user account for the database with very limited permissions, so that if someone does find the password (which we will probably store in the registry on the server) or hack into the server, they won't be able to execute a "DROP * FROM TABLE" command. The web server should only need to execute SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE commands that affect a single row at a time.
Make sure you setup security on the web site correctly. Make sure that nobody can read the CGI.INI file in the scripts directory, and remove EZSurvey's remote site administration program (DBADMIN.EXE) if necessary..