Import an EZSurvey form from a .ezf file. An existing EZSurvey form can be imported into the current EZSurvey project.
Any EZSurvey form or question library can be used to import with this option.
Open an existing EZSurvey form. Select Import questions EZSurvey (form). Select the EZSurvey form file that you want to import. All of the questions from the other file will be imported.
Import an EZSurvey question library .ezf file. A Question library can be imported into the current EZSurvey project. The question objects will be inserted into the current project.
Any EZSurvey form or question library can be used to import with this option. It will let you import a .ezf or .ezf file.
Open an existing EZSurvey form. Select Import questions Question library (form). Select the EZSurvey form file that you want to import. All of the questions from the other file will be imported.
This will import a form in an HTML file. It will look at the form fields and try to determine the field names, field types, and possible field responses. All of the form fields should be turned into questions in the EZSurvey project.
Specification The HTML file that gets imported must have an HTML form in it. All input fields will be defaulted to write-in-text field types.
Multiple list Combo box Rank order DATE TIME
This will import questions from a text file. The questions and responses must be formatted in a specific way in order to be imported.
Use this when all of your questions and response are in text format.
The questions and responses must be formatted in a specific way in order to be imported. The question will start with a [questions_XX] where XX is the field name that you want to give the question. On the next line down should be the text of the question. Below that should be [response_XX] where XX is the field name of the response. Followed by the response text on the next line.
[question_Q23] How helpful was the class? [response_3] Moderately Helpful [response_2] Slightly Helpful [response_1] Not at all Helpful [question_Q24] Do you like ... ? [response_1] Yes [response_2] No |
Import questions from a spreadsheet into your current project. Import Spreadsheet question groups from a file as new questions into the survey.
The first row of the question set should be FIELDNAME, then a tab, then QUESTIONTEXT, then a tab, then a list of the response field names. The set of rows should be the questions field name, and then the question, and then the response texts. All of the questions will be imported as single choice type questions. You can import more than one sets of questions at a time by putting a line break and then starting a row with FIELDNAME again.
FIELDNAME | QUESTIONTEXT | X | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Q14 | How helpful was A? | Did Not Consult | Extremely Helpful | Very Helpful | Moderately Helpful | Slightly Helpful | Not at all Helpful |
Q15 | How helpful was B? | Did Not Consult | Extremely Helpful | Very Helpful | Moderately Helpful | Slightly Helpful | Not at all Helpful |
Q16 | How helpful was C? | Did Not Consult | Extremely Helpful | Very Helpful | Moderately Helpful | Slightly Helpful | Not at all Helpful |
Q17 | How helpful was D? | Did Not Consult | Extremely Helpful | Very Helpful | Moderately Helpful | Slightly Helpful | Not at all Helpful |
Q18 | How helpful was E? | Did Not Consult | Extremely Helpful | Very Helpful | Moderately Helpful | Slightly Helpful | Not at all Helpful |
This will create questions in the current project based off of fields and responses in a database file. It does not import the data, it just creates new fields and responses. This will create questions in a form by looking through responses in the database file. It will try to determine the field type and create appropriate responses. This is for any ASCII, or EZSurvey data file.
It will try to determine the field type and create appropriate responses. The database file should have field names and it should be comma or tab delimited. The larger the data file, the more accurate the import tool will be able to determine the type of question or the possible responses it can have.
This will import a ASCII data file in the same way that Database (data) imports a data file.
This will import a tab delimited data file in the same way that Database (data) imports a data file.
This will import a comma delimited data file in the same way that Database (data) imports a data file.
This will import a data table in the same way that Database (data) imports a data file. It select a DSN entry and then show all of the tables. Select a table and then import all of the data from the table as questions.
The DSN must already exist. You must select the DSN and the table. If needed you must provide the DSN user ID and password.