Analysis - Plot Write-in-Number
Displaying statistical information or a graphic plot of a write-in-number question
There are two methods to display the results. These vary by the type of information desired.
- The statistical results of write-in-number questions without a graphic plot.
- Go to Analysis Plot Select the write-in-number question and Table as plot type. Place the plot where desired.
- Highlight the table. Right-click to open the menu. Select Properties
- Go to Select Options Data to show and select the statistical values desired.
- Then click the Finish button to close.
- The plot will refresh with the statistical data displayed.
- A graphical plot of write-in-number questions is possible by modifiying the edit form.
- Go to Data
Browse Database and review the values within the database for this question, and record the maximum, minimum, and increment values.
- Go to File
Edit Form Definition.
- Select the EZF file to modify
- In the Edit Form Definition window:
- Select the write-in-number question
- Change the question type:
- If the increment value is a whole number - select weighted score as the new type.
- If the increment value is a decimal number - select single choice as the net type.
- Go to Questions
New response and enter the Response code or number range and the Response text for the range from the minimum value to the maximum value in the increment value.
- For a true representation of the data - do not skip any values in this range!
- When finished go to File
Save As and enter a name for the modified EZF.
- Go to File
Close to end the Edit process.
- Go to File
Open Form and enter the name for the modified EZF.
- Go to Analysis Plot Select the write-in-number question and type plot. Place the plot where desired.
- If the plot has no values you need to change to the original database. Follow the procedures in the FAQ.