A large-scale version of Clone Question is Clone Page. This will clone every question on a given page, and apply the cloned questions and other objects to a new page. This is extremely useful for creating long surveys whose format
does not vary from page to page.
Setting up page cloning
- In electronic form design, select Page | New Page to create a new page. This is a fresh page on which the program will place the cloned questions and other objects from the page which is to be cloned.
- Select Page | Clone Page ( or click on the Clone page
icon). You will be provided a list of existing pages in your form. If you are unsure about which page you want, select one and c
lick on the View button. This will display the page for you.
- Select the page you want and click on OK. The page you are now viewing is a clone of the one you selected. Note that new questions have been created in the database. You can now modify its objects as you see fit without changing the original pa
ge. The program will automatically update the Question names, but you will want to alter the Alias/Title of each cloned question to avoid confusion with the previous question’s Alias/Title.
- When you Save the modified page a new name will be assigned, but you might want to change the page name for easier identification. Select Page | Rename the current page and type in a new page name.