Scripts control the order in which pages are displayed. Select Page | Rearrange pages (or click on the rearrange pages icon) to set the page order. You use this page order when you pr
eview the form or enter data. You will see the list of all available pages on the left and selected pages for use in the form on the right. This right hand box holds the current script (the order in which the pages are presented to the respondent). Use th
e indicated arrows to move pages in and out of the right script box. Pages will add to the bottom of the form by default. To insert a page within the script or on top, click and highlight the page in the right script box just beneath where you want the ne
w page to be inserted. Then select the page to be inserted from the left box and click on Insert to move it to the script box on the right. When data is entered, the pages will display in the same order as the script you have built in the script box.
Note: Sometimes it is useful to take pages out of the right hand side: these pages will not show up in data entry unless you explicitly have a skip to those pages. This is known as ‘hiding’ pages, and can be useful in a form with many complex skips.