To create a question, click on Question | Create new question or the Create new question icon. The Question Text/Name/Alias window will come up. Here, you can enter the main text you want for that particular question. To select a question type (response set), select Next to display the Select question type window. If you want to create or edit the response set associated with that question type, click on Create or Edit in the Select question type window.
Question types:
Write-in text | Text write-in or number labels (e.g. Social Security Number, Phone number, ZIP code.) |
Write-in number | Numbers on which arithmetic is meaningful. |
Plain text | Text which will show up on the form, but is not a question. |
Page Heading | Plain text for a title or other heading that will show up on all subsequent pages. |
Multiple choice | Radio buttons, single responses. |
Weighted score | Multiple choice with numeric codes, permits calculations |
Check all that apply | Check boxes, multiple responses. |
Single Listbox | Multiple choice but displayed in a window with scroll bars (used for long lists of items). |
Multiple Listbox | Check all that apply but displayed in a window with scroll bars (used for long lists of items). |
Combobox | Write-in text with prefilled choices available displayed in a window with scroll bars. |
Rank order | Apply numbers to indicate rank displayed in a window with scroll bars. |
Date | Can be default-set to the current date. Dates will work after 1999. |
Time | Can be default-set to the current time. |
Other | Special question type for current case number, .ASK or .LST. Please consult SurveyWin manual for further instructions on these types of files. |
The list of question objects, accessed via Question | Apply an existing question, represents every question used in any page in your form. This allows you to delete a question from one page, and apply it to another. You may also apply the same question to different pages, but they will not be distinct objects, they will occupy the same space in the database.
Note: If you wish to have a form with many similar questions, do not simply apply the same question to every page. Although the question will appear on each page, it will still be a one-question form: any data entered in the second page will overwrite the first, and so on.
This prevents the user from entering a string longer than a certain number of characters. The default for this is 10.
With this option enabled, users cannot enter or change any data in this field, using data entry or edit. However, these questions can be prefilled by you, the form designer, or imported from another database. Password type question This feature causes any text a user enters to show up as a string of asterisks (****), which is useful if you intend to do a password check on a particular field, so that the password remains confidential and unavailable to prying eyes.
This feature allows you to format text input from a user to be limited to certain characters. An N,n,or # in the mask indicates a numerical digit, a C,c, or @ indicates any character, a U,i, or ! indicates an alphabetical letter will be converted to UPPER CASE. Finally, an L,l,or ? represents a nonnumerical letter. Any other character will appear as a prefill in the write-in box.
For example, if you wanted all phone numbers to have parentheses around the area code, dashes between groups of digits, and an X before the extension at the end, your text mask would look like this:
Drivers license numbers work the same, with letters in some positions allowed:
The number entered here determines the maximum number of characters that the respondent may enter. Default is 10 characters.
Limits the type of
characters that the respondent may enter. Default characters are