You may enter the response editor (Compose responses) window several ways. You may select a response and then choose Response | Modify response; or right click on the response and select Modify from the f loating menu; or select Next from the Question Text/Name/Alias window. The Compose responses window is used to design the Multiple choice, Check all that apply, Weighted rank , Single Listbox, Multiple Listbox, and Combobox type response sets. To add a new response to the set, click the mouse in the Response value box and type the text for your response. Press Enter to create the response in the layout area. To move the new response, use the mouse to click and drag it within the layout area. Use the Align menu to quickly finish the formatting of your response set. See the
alignment section for more infor mation.To edit a response, double click on the response or select it and choose Edit | Edit button or Button | Edit button. The left list box is for response codes, the right list box for response labels. You ca n then make any changes to either the text or the code, click in the Response value box, and press Enter. Your changes will show up immediately.
To save a set of responses, select File | Save from the menu, and type in a name if prompted. To save a set of responses under a different name, select File | Save as from the menu and type in a different name. This is the name you will see in the object lists, so it’s a good idea to pick a name which accurately describes the responses. Names may be up to 32 characters long.
You can change the font with the Font menu. Notice that the Button and Options menus give you many features for your response set. The Buttons | Set default response selection lets you preset the cursor to a specified response item, say Satisfactory or Not Applicable. If you are working within the Question Text/Name/Alias window, you can edit the responses by selecting Next and then selecting a response type and clicking on the Edit button.
You can import forms from a SURVEY for DOS (.SUR) file from the SURVEYWin main window by selecting Translate | .SUR to .FRM from the menu.
You can copy and paste questions from a text file by opening Notepad or other word processing program in a separate window. From this window you may copy and past text to SURVEYWin.